Thursday, May 31, 2007


I write from the calm at the eye of the storm. Tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. my children will board a bus that will take them to camp. In preparation, I have labeled many pairs of socks and underwear, filled prescriptions, paid enormous sums for strengthened contact lenses and eyeglasses prescriptions, purchased "pink ladies" jackets for one of the costume parties, and packed everything needed for 25 days into one duffel and one trunk for each child.

We are now awaiting the arrival of our long-time friends, the best man in our wedding and his wife, who are driving in from Houston to put their three children on the bus with ours. Adventure Guy and Best Man met when they themselves were kids at this camp. They've been best friends ever since. I find it amazingly cool that our children are now attending camp together at the same place. The ages line up nicely. We have pairs of 13 year olds and 10 year olds bracketed by a boy at each end, one 15, one 8. After pizza tonight, we'll let the kids hang out, dreaming of all the excitement that's in store while the grown ups dream about almost a month of childfree days and nights. But we'll be sad when we send them off tomorrow, really we will!

I'm also looking forward to a little R & R of my own starting tomorrow. I will wrap up our big retreat event at work and then take off for Texas to visit my family. Adventure Guy is, appropriately, running an adventure race this weekend, so I'm going to take advantage of the down time to spend a few days with my parents and my sister and her family. My nephew will have his first birthday party while I'm there, and I'm going to do as little as possible until Tuesday when I'll head home to start hiring new teachers and finalizing the master schedule. And, I am going to Catch. Up. On. My. Scrapbooking. There. I've said it in print. I must do it. I'll keep you posted!

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